Active Monitoring

Continuous Accessibility Monitoring

Your customers expect 24/7 accessibility. We help you get there with real-time monitoring of every web page, for every user.

Issues found by automation graph, top fixes applied list. picture of a couple smiling looking at computer, person with glasses feeding guide dog

Why accessibility matters

Don’t let accessibility issues slip through the cracks

Unlike daily or point-in-time accessibility scans, our Active Monitoring tests for new accessibility issues every time a user loads a page on your website — helping you find and fix issues before they can impact your customers.



Real User Testing

Our Active Monitoring reviews each web page as your users experience it — including dynamic content and content that is behind login screens.

  • 1.3B+

    Auto remediations delivered to customers daily

  • Instant

    Time to automatically fix accessibility issues on customer sites

  • 400+

    Accessibility tests to identify potential WCAG violations

Instantly resolve thousands of issues so your users don’t miss a beat.

How it works

Scale accessibility with Active Monitoring

Every website update is a chance to accidentally introduce new accessibility issues — even if you test your content in pre-production. Our Active Monitoring is designed to catch these mistakes in real time — instantly resolving issues so your customers don’t miss a beat.

  • Accessibility for Every User

    Our technology follows the navigation of users on your site, refreshing with each page they visit.

  • Scale Accessibility Testing

    We explain each test and result in simple terms, then compile an easy-to-share report that includes guidance on how to fix each issue.

  • Prioritize High-Traffic Pages

    Because our technology follows your users, it naturally focuses on the most-visited pages on your website.

Trusted by 127,000+ leading brands and happy customers

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G2 badge - winter 2024, easiest setup
G2 best usability winner - winter 2024

Learn how automated monitoring fits into a complete approach to digital accessibility.

Frequently asked questions