Digital Accessibility
Offline to Online: Accessibility Lessons Learned from COVID-19
Learn about some of the cracks in digital accessibility that the pandemic exposed — and how businesses can help fill them.
August 25, 2022
Is ADA Compliance the Same as 508 Compliance?
Does your website need to meet ADA or Section 508 standards? This guide will show you how to comply with each.
June 02, 2022
Despite Efforts, Businesses Struggle With Accessibility
Considering the scale and dynamic nature of the internet, businesses need a sustainable and affordable solution for ongoing digital accessibility.
April 26, 2022
E-commerce Penetration Is Rising: Is Your Site Accessible?
The growth of e-commerce penetration is rising. As retailers rush to keep up with online shopping, web accessibility needs to take a front seat.
October 13, 2021
When Accessibility Is Personal: A Q&A With AudioEye’s Sarah Kinneer
Sarah Kinneer, a Solutions Engineer at AudioEye, believes that accessibility is the right thing to do. Striving for accessibility takes on significance for her. She has faced these barriers herself as someone who is neurodiverse.
June 08, 2021
Tax Credits for Digital Accessibility: Everything You Need to Know
Ensuring that your website is accessible to all can be a daunting challenge, but a little-known tax credit can help take the sting out of your expenditure.
April 14, 2021
Whose job is it anyway? Why teams pass the buck on web accessibility
The world of the web evolves at a frenetic pace, and it’s often possible—or even advisable—for web teams to play a little fast and loose if it means getting to market ahead of the competition. When it comes to accessibility, you really do need to get it right, or risk facing lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and a host of new state laws. But whose job is it to ensure ADA compliance?
August 11, 2020
Why the buck stops with you: dispelling myths about digital accessibility and e-commerce providers
While you might think that opting for a ready-made e-commerce platform like Shopify immediately liberates you from worrying about the accessibility of your website, that may not be the case. In fact, in speaking with Shopify users, we’ve identified five common misconceptions about digital accessibility requirements and how far you’re covered when you choose to work with an e-commerce provider.
July 31, 2020
Maximum Reach, Minimum Risk: How To Build Your Global Accessibility Strategy (2021 Update)
The explosion of web accessibility lawsuits has grabbed plenty of headlines in the United States. But if you also operate beyond American shores, you face a second set of digital accessibility challenges. You need to meet the requirements of every country where you conduct online business. Here’s what you need to know to navigate your way through the global accessibility landscape, and to ensure you achieve compliance and maximize your online reach.
July 30, 2020
The Risk of Digital Accessibility Lawsuits is Reaching New Markets and Sectors
Lawsuits against companies suspected of flouting the online accessibility requirements related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are now a regular feature of courtrooms in the US. From 2017 to 2018, the number of cases surged and they continued to increase throughout 2019. To help companies better understand the risk of litigation, we continuously track ADA-related proceedings. So, how is the picture changing as we start a new year?
June 16, 2020
Accessibility is more than a compliance issue — it’s a matter of social justice
If you’ve dedicated your career to public service, I’m sure you’re no stranger to the fact that society does not always give as much support as it can to those in need. It’s always an uphill battle to redress that balance, and the road to a fairer society is littered with obstacles, detours and dead ends.
April 23, 2020
Global Accessibility ‘Appreciation’ Day
At AudioEye, we’re big supporters of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). It’s an inspirational awareness day that is now celebrating its ninth successful year, and continues to stimulate interest, personal development, and knowledge-sharing in the web development community.
April 14, 2020
Coronavirus: website accessibility has never been more important
In an effort to urgently help online businesses and organizations address this critical need for digital access, we’re making our AudioEye Pro digital accessibility solution free of charge through June 30 for 90 days. With AudioEye Pro, our industry-leading technology recognizes and resolves many common errors that may pose a barrier. Our solution also includes free developer tools that site owners can use to resolve the remaining errors.Together, we can work to eradicate every barrier to digital access. And there has not been a more important time than now in the digital era.
March 23, 2020