What You Need to Know About the Proposed Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act
Key takeaways from the proposed legislation on website and software applications accessibility.
October 03, 2022
U.S. Accessibility Laws: What Businesses Should Know
To build an effective compliance strategy, you’ll need to understand U.S. accessibility laws.
September 08, 2022
Does My Website Need an Accessibility Statement?
Every website needs an Accessibility Statement. Here’s why ... plus some tips for publishing your statement.
August 10, 2022
The Most Common ADA Compliance Issues for Websites
Non-compliance with the ADA can result in legal action against your business. Discover what the top ADA violations are and how to avoid them in this post.
August 08, 2022
Section 508 Compliance: Choosing Tools for Web Accessibility Testing
Make sure your website complies with Section 508’s requirements for digital accessibility. Here’s an overview of Section 508 and tips for testing.
July 18, 2022
Is ADA Compliance the Same as 508 Compliance?
Does your website need to meet ADA or Section 508 standards? This guide will show you how to comply with each.
June 02, 2022
3 Takeaways From the DOJ’s New Guidance on Web Accessibility
Learn what the DOJ’s new guidance on web accessibility means for businesses and what you can do to stay ADA compliant.
April 28, 2022
What the New Gil v. Winn-Dixie Decision Means for Website Accessibility
A U.S. appeals court recently ruled that some websites don’t have to be accessible to people with disabilities. See how this decision affects businesses like yours.
April 29, 2021
The Clock Is Ticking On Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Compliance
The Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) comes into force on January 1, 2021, requiring all public-sector organizations in Ontario and companies with more than 50 employees in Ontario to comply with the best practices for digital accessibility laid out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Is your online business ready?
December 10, 2020
How Can Educators Protect Their Institutions Against a New Wave of Digital Accessibility Lawsuits?
The education industry is facing another challenge as the school year begins: a skyrocketing number of digital accessibility lawsuits. In July and the first week of August, we have tracked 35 federal lawsuits targeting the education industry filed in U.S. Federal District Court. To put that in perspective, there were just two federal lawsuits the entire first half of 2020. That’s a 1,750% increase, with new cases filed almost every day. If your institution doesn’t have a strong position on digital accessibility, there could be trouble ahead.
August 25, 2020
Why a Digital Accessibility Lawsuit in New York Could Spell Trouble for Companies in California — and Beyond
A lawsuit filed against Gimlet Media, a leading digital media company, recently garnered plenty of attention both within and beyond the website accessibility community. This lawsuit, among others, elevates the importance of digital accessibility being a core capability of any modern digital platform, especially as companies are required to comply with legislation such as Title III of the ADA and the California Unruh Civil Rights Act.
August 18, 2020
Maximum Reach, Minimum Risk: How To Build Your Global Accessibility Strategy (2021 Update)
The explosion of web accessibility lawsuits has grabbed plenty of headlines in the United States. But if you also operate beyond American shores, you face a second set of digital accessibility challenges. You need to meet the requirements of every country where you conduct online business. Here’s what you need to know to navigate your way through the global accessibility landscape, and to ensure you achieve compliance and maximize your online reach.
July 30, 2020
The Risk of Digital Accessibility Lawsuits is Reaching New Markets and Sectors
Lawsuits against companies suspected of flouting the online accessibility requirements related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are now a regular feature of courtrooms in the US. From 2017 to 2018, the number of cases surged and they continued to increase throughout 2019. To help companies better understand the risk of litigation, we continuously track ADA-related proceedings. So, how is the picture changing as we start a new year?
June 16, 2020
Think Your Business is Too Small to Worry About Website Accessibility? Think Again!
Everyone knows that running a small business is tough. Between building up a customer base and establishing an efficient operating model, there’s not a lot of time or money for the support functions that larger companies take for granted. Early-stage business owners often end up wearing multiple hats – they need to be the CEO, the CIO, the CFO and the Head of HR, all rolled into one.
February 18, 2020
The Supreme Court Denies Domino’s Petition. How Does This Decision Impact Your Business?
If the issue of digital accessibility is on your radar, you may be closely following the now-infamous Domino’s digital accessibility case. If not, let’s get you up to speed… Three years ago, Guillermo Robles, who is blind, filed suit against Domino’s claiming its website and mobile app are not accessible to those who rely on a screen reader to navigate online content. Robles claims inaccessible online content equates to a violation of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
October 10, 2019
School ADA Website Accessibility Complaints on the Rise
What You Need to Know: Educational establishments are being investigated in response to complaints received by the Office for Civil Rights. Complaints on disability discrimination were high with a focus on website accessibility. The U.S. Department of Education’s has reached settlements in response to complaints received.
August 26, 2016
Finance & Banking Web Accessibility Complaint Repository
The following list summarizes some of the many high profile Web Accessibility Lawsuits and complaints filed in association with Finance & Banking industries.
July 30, 2016
Meaningful Access Rule
Affordable Care Act. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is implementing a Meaningful Access Rule. The Meaningful Access Rule will apply to the ACA’s Section 1557’s anti-discrimination policies. This section defines that any health care provider that receives funding from the federal government must not discriminate any individual on the basis of race, color, nationality, sex, age, or disability. The new regulations will require theses health care providers to provide physical and Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) accessibility.
July 21, 2016